Preferred Australian Cornell Pumps Supplier

Source Pumping Systems have partnered with leading global pump manufacturer Cornell Pumps as their Australian Distributor.

Source Pumps understands finding the right pump for your specific application is critical. Cornell pump have created comprehensive tool to fin the right pump. Use Pump- Flo Selection to find the perfect pump now.

Pump Flo is an online and desktop pump selection software that allows users to input conditions and compare pumps on operating efficiency, impeller trim, NPSHR, flow, HP, and other characteristics. Offered to Cornell distributors, end-users, and potential customers, the software can be used across single pumps, pumps in series, or in fully manual selections. Reports and data sheets are output by the system to allow easy comparisons.

Access the Cornell Pump-Flo selection tool online from any device. No software download is required and catalogs are updated automatically.

Need a customised pump package?

Source Pumps designs customised pump solutions for various applications, creating bespoke pages for pumps, chassis, and motors. They offer versatile motor packages, including diesel and electric options, suitable for skid and trailer mounts. This ensures flexible and reliable pumping solutions tailored to meet specific client needs.

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